Rules for use of the site

For the sake of nature and other guests on and around the site, we kindly request that the following rules be observed:
  • You must be able to present a receipt for your booking to the site supervisor.
  • The instructions of the site supervisor must always be followed.
  • The designated fire pit must be used for starting fires.
  • If you use a disposable grill, it may only be used at the fire pit.
  • The fire must be completely extinguished when leaving the site.
  • It is not permitted to walk on the roof of the shelter and other buildings.
  • Please do not wear shoes in the shelter; it is primarily a sleeping area.
  • Please show consideration to other guests and be aware that noisy behavior is not allowed.
  • The use of sound systems is strictly prohibited throughout the area.
  • Between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am, quiet must be observed on the site.
  • Dogs on a short leash are welcome. 
  • It is not permitted to drive cars, motorcycles, or mopeds on the site.
  • Damaging trees and bushes in the area is not allowed.
  • Smoking is permitted at the fire pit, but cigarette butts must not be left behind.
  • The designated toilet facilities must be used; relieving oneself on the site is not allowed.
  • The toilet must be left in the same condition as upon arrival.
  • All waste must be removed from the shelter and the site after use.